Monday, August 22, 2011

Liszt 08/22/11

I like King Kong............because he's so strong

People (Japan) - Prologue

Liliental - Nachsaison

Vinegar - Der Kaiser Auf Der Erbse

Upper Astral - Celestial Harmonies

La Dusseldorf - Sentimental

Zavijavi Orchestra - Inner Landscapes

Pater Noster - The Pope is Wrong

Temple - Ship on Fire

Cosmic Jokers - Kinder des Alls part 1

Pi Corp - Devil Weed

Anugama - chakra-journey

Robert Schroeder (Galactic Floor) - Black Out

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ssetlist 06/04/11

atonal electonic surges aspiring to coat your brain

Michael Rother - Silberstreif

Popol Vuh - Der Ruf

Alphabetical Uploads of Whacked Out V.A. - Untitled

Thomas Dinger - Fur Dich

Jonathan - Waters

F.G. Experiental Laboratory - Journey Into A Dream

Cluster - bundtA 3/Rotor

Axxess - Duck Soup

Ose - Orgasmachine

Tim Blake - Lighthouse

Can - I'm so green

Guru Guru - Oxymoron
Tony Conrad with Faust - From the Side of the Machine
Adelbert Von Deyen - Atmosphere part I
Neu! - Seeland

Monday, May 23, 2011

Set List 05/23 err.. cakshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

A Molten Lunar Core - Exoplanet Auror: Protect us dark wizard

Asmus Tietchents - Ultima tundra
Tim Blake - Last Ride of the Boogie Child
Heldon - Perspective Ii
Michel Magne - Planetes Et Forets
Spions - Total Czecho-slovakia
Christian Vander - Blum Tendiwa
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Roberto Cacciapaglia - Sonanze: 6'th Movement
Ose - 29 H 08 M
Alain Markusfeld - Automne Et Eternite
A.R. and Machines - The Echo of the Past
Manuel Gottsching - Dream
Hubert Bognemayr and Harald - Selig, Die Arm Sind Vor Gott
Roedelius - Am Rockzipfel
Harald Grosskopf - Coming Out
Cochin Moon - Madam Consul General of Madras

"The most progressive european experience" - Egg

The Earth Colony on an extrasolar planet dropped by for a taste

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Setlist 07/16.99/11

Titan's Magma Ocean's bring tears tomaeyeseye aye aiIIiiiIIIiiiIIIiiiiiiiii

Can - Oh Yeah
Faust - Jennifer
Eberhard Schoener - Take the Zoom
Manuel Gottsching - Die Spiegel
Michael Hoenig - Early Water
Temple - Ship On Fire
Brave New World - Soma
Witthuser and Westrupp - Orienta
Hans-Joachim Roedelius - Johanneslust
Arzachel - Queen St. Gang
Novalis - Dronsz
Ash Ra Tempel - Gedanken
Robert Schroder - The Day After X
Dieter Moebius - Contramio
Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes - Ame Debout
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Solid State Survivor


''Hug me till you drug me, honey;
Kiss me till I'm in a coma; Hug me, honey, snuggly bunny; Love's as good as soma."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Space Archeologist: BelloqshhhhhhhHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh

Serge Blenner - Envoutement
Amon Duul - Shatterling and Fading
Temple - Leaves Are Falling/Black Light
Mythos - Grand Prix
Richard Wahnfried - Angry Young Boys
Guru Guru - L. Torro
Achim Reichel - Vita: b) the man in the kidleather
Klaus Hess - Vogelflug
Grobschnitt - Tontillon
Amon Duul II - A Morning Exercise
Iggy Pop - Baby
David Bowie - Yassassin
FSP - Faraday
Agitation Free - Through the Moods
Ash Ra Tempel - Suche and Liebe

Monday, April 11, 2011

In the bay of rainbows
Space Owl captures the moon

Klauss Hess -Technodrome
Ton Steine Scherben - Samstag Nachmittag
Annexus Quam - Trobluhs El E Isch
Bjorn Json Lindh - Ah Q/Hotel And Drumsticks
Wolfgang Riechmann - Traumzeit
e.m.a.k. - Alhara
Langsyne - Morning
Huber Bognermayr and Harald Zuschrader - Freut Euch Und Jubelt. Denn Groy Wird Euer Lohn Im Himmel Sein
Amon Duul - Blech and Alfbau (Bau, Steine and Erden)
Contact Trio - New Marks
Between - Katakomben
Conrad Schnitzler - N1
Banfo Banfi - The Incrdible Doogy/Lo and Fi
Eroc - Changing Skies

Monday, April 4, 2011

Setlist 04/0333333333333

Bobbing along on the bottom of the beautiful briny sea.

Scarecrew - The Mammoth
Can - The Empress and the Ukraine
Im Herzen Des Hurricane
Sensations Fix - Nuclear War in Your Brain
Eno, Dieter Moebius... - Begegnungen
Faust - Rudolf
Klaus Kruger - You Have to Pay
The Actor - Seit Wir Uns Kennen...
German Oak - Airalert
Annexus Quam - Osmose I
Cosmic Jokers - the electronic scene
David Axelrod - Urizen
Kollektiv - Gageg: (A) Andante
Irmin Schmidt - Filmmusik
Clara Mondshine - Die drachentrammler
Brainticket - Machinery
Hawkwind - Seven By Seven
Metabolismus - Les Automates Spirituels
Spirogyra - Cogwheels Crutches and Cyanide
Os Mundi - Isn't it Beautiful

Wednesday, March 23, 2011